Uruguay Sucursal 3
Phone : (+598) 2917 08 09
Cellphone : (+598) 99 409 372
Fax : (+598) 2917 08 09
Business hours : Lun. a Vie. 9:00 a 19:30 hs
Address : Misiones 1372 Of. 701 Montevideo-Uruguay (map)
Saturday Jul-27 Saturday, Julio 27, 2024

Expert reports

? Judicial Expertise
? Advisory part
? Contests and business bankruptcies.
? Interventions cash inspectorships, coadministration intervener.

The Acc. Nelson Chicurel login as:

PERITO ACCOUNTANT - LIC. IN ADMINISTRATION, CATEGORY 1 where only 16 are enrolled professional accountants.
Register of Trustees and Auditors Judicial arrangement according to Law No. 18,387 by the Supreme Court of Justice No. 8 among 30 professionals.
EXPERT ADVISOR AND AS SYNDIC: The Commercial Defense League (LIDECO).
A STUDY LEGAL COUNSEL: As counsel in financial audits or financial insolvency (eg. fundraiser).
This long experience brings added value to other services because of the diversity of the cases studied, and in which we participate.


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